Thursday, December 11, 2008

What is Art Final
I have looked at a few more images and I began to think that art is also something that makes you notice things in life that we may normally not really notice or react to. Going back to the starving dog we live in a world in which dogs cats and even humans starve yet we just let the idea pass by us without really doing much about it but when we see the dog we have a reaction because we look at the simplest idea strait in the face. The idea of the paperclip is the same it is something that was made to make our lives easier. We use it and other things so much we don’t see them as being something that we appreciate.

Monday, December 8, 2008

After looking a some of the things that you had posted and talked about I decided that all of what you posted was still art. The idea of a four year old doing modern art as something that shouldn't be considered as art is in my opinion is wrong because the painting is being liked by so many and disliked by so many people. Different people who look see different things in the peices and if they didnt know it was created by a four year old they would have the feelings they had to begin with. i belive that it dosent mater what the age of the artist is just the wok that they do. some dont ike that fact and see the paiting to not be concidered art.
One post that I had to think about at first before I had my idea of what art was the exibit of the starving dog. I hated the idea because I love animals and to know that there is a starving dog that people walk by and look on purpose annoyes me. Then I decided it is art because it did have an effect on me though it wasn't a happy one. I decided that art shouldn't have to make you feel happy it can mae you feel upset aswell. I was abe to come up with my definition with this idea.

Monday, December 1, 2008

The Paperclip

I believe that art is something that makes a viewer feel something such as happiness, sadness or indifference. These feelings don't need to be created by the artist intention. some art By setting this as a definition for art everything can be called art because everything gives of an emotion. So this paperclip is art. I know for myself that I like the way that the paperclip is is made of metal and can bend. I can bend it and shape it into another shape. another person can look at the paperclip and see either some sense of peace from its simplicity or from another an may feel annoyed for having to work with this all day in the office.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Argument Collage Artist Statement

For the on and only pro image I had an image of a city as a background. I the had an image of a magnifying glass which shows us a terrorist crouching down with a background of a wall behind him. I had a red pathway targeting where he is hiding. I also added an image of the American sea to the handle to represent the United States finding the terrorist. I used the layer mask to make the terrorist fade into the magnifying glass. By doing this I was bale to have the magnifying glass have its glassy effect. I chose to place the magnifying glass out over the bigger half of the image so it seems more important. I also tried to find an image of the city so it was from bird’s eye view so that it would seem like it was impossible to spot anyone yet the magnifying glass was able to pinpoint the place.

For the first image that was con it shows how the president has to pick who the terrorist is between a boy tied up in a chair and an image of a person covered up in such a way we cannot see who they are, the person also caries a gun. Next the two images the president is thinking by reciting Ini mini miny mo and at random it seems he will pick who the territories is. I chose to make the two possible terrorists have a cloudy edge so it seems to be more of a thought bubble that the president created. To get the cloudy effect I used layer mask to make the image vanish. I played around with the flow and the opacity to make the image look like there is a white cloud around them. I wanted the president to have a questioning expression so that it ads to the emphases of him guessing. I had the two “terrorists” to the side in the genera direction to where the president is looking.

For the second image that was con it shows how the president has labeled both the people where we are fighting the war and the American solders as terrorists. I also had a quote that I found in one of my articles. “Those who are not with us are against us”. This was a quote I felt said what I wanted to show. I chose to make the two groups of enemies have a cloudy edge as well so it seems to be more of a thought bubble that the president created. It was to show how the president was labeling who was an enemy. To get the cloudy effect I used layer mask to make the extra section of the image vanish. I played around with the flow and the opacity to make the image look like there is a white cloud around them. I placed the images in the same way I did in the other image.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Great Debate Arguments

Friday, October 17, 2008

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Troy Davis

Monday, September 29, 2008

The main people in Davis story is the homeless, the one beating the homeless and himself. After his arrest he was sentenced to death. He and others are fighting for his innocence. A street in the evening. The homeless man on the floor. The policeman beating the homeless man. Davis on the side. There isn't evidence proving that he hadn't killed the officer.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

final candidate

Monday, September 15, 2008

Friday, September 12, 2008

the three adds

I decided that cats would be the main theme and I figured that because most of the different images that I would use different things that represented America like red whit and blue, the flag, statue of liberty and also the eagle. I found a few images that I really liked and placed the different images where I liked them. I then began to play around with the mask tool and make cretin things fade while others were transparent. I decided to keep the cats be the main image and to have everything fade away on it. I used the flags and put them over the eyes and faded the image so that it seemed like the cat had the flags reflecting from the eyes. I really liked that effect so I did the same thing to the other images. In one of them also added eagles flying by to make it seem free. I tried playing with the positioning of the different layers to see what would look better for instance I thought I would make the statue of liberty rice out of the hat but when I did it I t seemed like it wouldn’t really fit in perfectly in, it just seemed of also I thought that idea of the statue coming out of the hat seemed to make fun of the freedom and liberty it is meant to represent. In another version I would mix in the flag with the eagle in the eyes and have the statue on the side.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

the part of the artical that stood out to me as the fact that people held conventions for blogging. i never thought that something like this would have an actual group of people wilng to group together and talk about the different aspects and extentions. i also didnt think that people could get monie from their blogs.

jarrett belives that a blog is a place people can write what they want and descuss their belifs.

the difference between a blog and a regular web page is the fct that wit blogging the history of all of th comints are saved and can be looked at to see if the person continues to back u his original dea or change ideas

when you blog you feel impowered because you can right what you belive and not be looked down on because of it. yu have the right to express yourself and change your belifs.